Sunday, August 06, 2006

And So It Begins....

This blog is in tribute to my mother, Donna M. Stanford, who passed away in November 2003. The spring following her death, amazingly enough, her beloved flowers began to poke out of the dirt. I just couldn't figure this out, I mean, she wasn't here so how in the hell can the flowers she planted and nurtured for years have the gall to come up. It felt like a slap in my face.

You see, I was devastated and still am to this day by the loss of my mother. My Mom is my best friend. She is my heart and soul and I feel like a part of me has died as well. I can sum up in one word what she means to me.....Everything! I didn't want to exist after she left, and I certainly didn't want these cheerful blooming flowers to remind me of what I no longer had.

But at some point, and I don't know when, I came around and embraced these plants. I feel like I'm taking care of them for my Mom. I feel so proud when they turn up every year and I feel so close to my Mom when I'm taking care of them. I now dread the winters and long for the blooming season. I'm doing what she cannot do for them. I'm pulling the weeds and mulching and feeding them for her, not for me. It was always her dream to have her very own garden. She and my Dad rented most of their lives. They didn't buy a house of their own until 1997. My Mom relished the spring every year so that she could begin planning her landscape. She planted trees (a beautiful Magnolia and two Japanese Lilacs) and a lilac bush right outside my window so that I could smell them blooming in the spring. She planted flowers to numerous to mention, though I certainly am going to try. She was only given the blessing of her very own garden for 6 years, but she managed to build a beautiful one in that short time and I have since added on with each passing year, try to pick plants that remind me of her (blue looking ones mostly because it's her favorite color.)

I love to take pictures of these flowers to show my friends and decided a cyber-scrapbook would fitting. It's certainly cheaper to take them and download them rather than paying for the development costs. Now I have more money to spend in my Mother's garden!

So Welcome to my Mom's Flower Garden!
'The Daughter'

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